What did Jesus Christ Look Like?
Presented by Charles H. Clever
Some of us Christians made copies of the image, and cherished it as if it was an original, but inside there were doubts. If there was an emerald with Christ's likeness engraved on it, there would have to be historical documentation at the Vatican. So, in early 1986 a letter was written with a copy of the likeness to the Pontifical University of Rome. A couple months later I received this response:
2 June, 1986
Mr. Clever, from
my rector of the University Fr. Navarrate I received your letter of March
23 of this year. On your question I can answer as follows:
The emerald with
the portrait of Christ (similar to your foto) was given by the Sultan Bajazid
II to the Pope Innocent VIII (+ 1492). The Emerald disappeared probably
with the sack of Rome (1527). But the same profile-image of Christ appears
on papal medals, as of the Pope Julius III. There exists also paintings
of the flemish school. The illustration of such a painting and further
information you will find in: Pauline Hinze, Deus Homo, Vol. I, Evangelische
Verlagsanstalt Berlin (Eastern Germany), Berlin 1973, fig. 8, page 28 f.
Sincerely yours,
Fr. Heinrich Pfeiffer, S.J.
Pontifical Universita Gregoriana
00187 Roma - Piazza Della Pilotta, 4
So, this picture could very easily be that
of Jesus. Undoubtedly, it was painted without the bruises and cuts that
we know He received because Isaiah says: As many were astonished at
You; His visage was so marred more than any man, and His form more than
the sons of Men (Isaiah 52:14).
Is it really important
for us to know what Jesus looks like? No! I do not believe it is. We do
know that He was pierced for us, and He will bear scars on His hands, feet
and side. Radiating light will be flashing from those scars when He returns
to earth, as viewed by the prophet Habakkuk in vision: God came from
Teman, The Holy One [Jesus] from Mount Paran. His glory covered
the heavens, and the earth was full of His praise. His brightness was like
the light; He had rays flashing from His hand, And there His power was
hidden (Ibib., 3:3,5).
We do not need an artist to depict radiating flashes coming from Jesus' hands--it will be obvious to all. And those pierced hands tell the more important story of His great sacrifice. It is essential that we know the merit of His sacrificial atonement, and the life-changing power of His resurrection in our lives. If Christ dwells in our hearts, then we will also recognize His voice as it nurtures and leads us on this earthly walk through the narrow gate to heaven. Jesus spoke these words to emphasize that very thought: My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any [man] pluck them out of my hand (John 10:27,28).
What about these pierce marks? And what happens
when Jesus returns? What are those mysterious numbers 1290 and 1335 that
were to only be understood at the end of time? The mark of the beast--666?
Who is the Antichrist? These questions and many more are answered at our
web pages under the title, The Wise Shall Understand. You are invited
to read this material which is linked to our homepage.
Please pay us a visit. Charles and Tish
United States and International copyright, Charles Clever, 1998, all rights reserved.